January 11, 2007

Cold day today, lots of cool temps around the Bay Area. It was 25F in the area I drive in @ 7 a.m. Tonight is gonna be a cold one, and the temps are expected back down to around 20F tonight. Should be fine, as everything that needs protection is already stored in the garage, where it's safe(r). Saturday might even see some snow, if the pecipitation holds true, and I'll be at the Bay Island Bonsai show this saturday while it might happen. Looking forward to seeing it, as I feel it is one of the best in the country (from my perspective, anyhow) The Yamato Bonsai Club was a good one this year, too, lots of good quality trees. I saw a Shimpaku Juniper there and was commenting to my daughter about it, about the detail inside the tree. An older gentelman asked me if I liked it, and I told him I did very much. He then told me he was glad I liked his tree, and I complimented him on the fine jin work inside the canopy, that was unnoticed if you looked from the front. It was a lot of fun that day.


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Currently a member of Bay Island Bonsai-I have begun to learn all over again with Boon Manakitivipart