January 27, 2007

Didn't get to wire the pines last weekend, as I had hoped, ended up taking pics of the deciduous trees for records, which took a good part of the day. The trees look good with no leaves, but I've got to get a new camera. This one sucks wind, and doesn't have the sharpness I want. I suppose that'll be the next thing I get, the records are important to me.
It was cold for the first few nights this week, and has now dropped only to 40F ( last night), and will continue to do so for the rest of the coming week, so the weather guessers say. I am going to do some work outside with the pines, cleaning up soil surfaces, weeding, etc. If I get a chance, might throw some wire on the young pines to give them some shape.
Heres one of the tridents from the photo shoot last weekend.

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Currently a member of Bay Island Bonsai-I have begun to learn all over again with Boon Manakitivipart