July 04, 2007

4th of July, and it's hot!! Over 100F today and yesterday, and little relief in sight for the rest of the week-watering 2 and 3 times a day is all I can do. The peppers are loving it, but the bonsai are not liking the temps so much. I've defoliated several trident maples,a vine maple, and a japanese maple and the added stress is going to take all their reserves, but luckily I've been fertilising well in advance. Have put all my trust in fertilising lately, allowing some trees more heat exposure (sun) than last year, and along with good soil, hope that does the trick. So far it has been paying off, but the heat has ony really begun here-it's been a weird weather year.

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Currently a member of Bay Island Bonsai-I have begun to learn all over again with Boon Manakitivipart