January 22, 2010

Did a trident maple repot today, first real pot for this one. It had been growing in a big 3 gallon plastic pot for the past couple years, and I was satisfied with the beginning of a good nebari.

I removed the roots that weren't going to serve any purpose, including a couple bigger taproots. It had really gone to town.

Using my handy Astro Turf cutter, I removed more than half the roots...but I had a good groundwork layer at the base of the trunk to work with.
It barely made it into the pot, where it was secured, filled, sphagnum mossed, and trimmed in preparation for spring.

I'll be working on thickening the trunk just a bit more, not too much, then taking most of the top growth out, and working on making it wider.

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Currently a member of Bay Island Bonsai-I have begun to learn all over again with Boon Manakitivipart